summary comes from the Windy City! I’m here for the weekend, taking in the
sights and finding some much needed moments to breathe. Life is a constant
whirlwind of one obligation after another; so taking this weekend is as much to
reset as it is to remind myself why I’m doing what I do. It’s easy for me to
wrap myself around my day to day expectations, with little thought into why I’m
doing what I do. Sometimes my lofty goals seem so far off that the drudgery of
Dental World coupled with the focus and intent that this Writing Life requires
makes me feel scattered.
Along with
doors and windows, I’ve long used stairs as a metaphor in much of my writing.
Like arched windows and sturdy doors, stairs generally seem to suggest
progression. They remind me of mobility, that life is fluid, and that one can
choose to go up or down. I have countless poems about stairs, and in my fiction
work, characters always seem to find themselves maneuvering them as they
approach life-altering decisions. As I’m sitting at a street-side café,
listening to Logic and having an iced hibiscus tea, I can’t stop thinking about
been to Chicago a number of times, and always come away with a new sense of
self. This trip is reminding me so much of visiting some years back with Ghost
when he was thirteen and I was fifteen. It was right before the shit hit the
fan, so the trip is symbolically attached to a certain period of my life that
I’ll never be able to replicate.
Friday morning, I set out for a run, not really sure where I was heading.
Chicago is laid out on a grid, I have a good sense of direction and figured I’d
run until I was tired and turn back. I was a few miles into my run when I saw a
structure that pulled on something so deep inside of me. The familiarity of the
building was immediate, but I couldn’t quite place it. As I got closer, I found
myself staring at this set of stairs.
the years, I’ve moved more times than I can count. There was a period of time
when I was moving every six months or so, and so I stopped unpacking after a
while. In all of the moves, the countless apartments that led to repeated
life-overhauls and upheaval, I’ve managed to hang on to few tangible items. One
of my most treasured possessions is a photo of me and Ghost sitting on these
stairs. I have returned to the photo I have more times than I can count; as
much because it was a hell of a trip as because it captures something that’s
gone – not just in terms of sense of self, but an innocence that was left when
life started to splinter. From the photo, I gather strength, courage and
determination to keep on moving.
easy to be hard on myself; to bitch and complain that I’m not further and
farther along. I set high expectations for myself which isn’t a bad thing. But
it also can breed a certain sense of deficiency, of never being content in the
moment. Seeing these stairs reminded me just how far I’ve come. I don’t need to
add a caveat to that statement (… and how far I have to go) because I live that
passion every single today. This weekend, I’m going to be okay with being
pleased with myself. This isn’t being arrogant; this is accepting I have made
some significant strides. Move up or move down. Just keep moving.
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