
Round and Full

Saturday’s Summary
A writer friend referred to me as a ‘real life writer’ this week and wow-wow. I mean, I guess that’s the case, but it means something so different when I hear it from someone else.
This week marked the progression of a lot of MFA related items – procuring thesis readers, petitioning to graduate and thinking constructively about what the hell I’m going to do next. It’s a good thing the Spalding MFA office is so on top of things – I received an email gently asking if I was planning to attend Residency in November. Picture me staring at my computer screen with a look a befuddlement. Of course I’m attending … oh shit, I missed the deadline for registration by THREE weeks. Oops! All is well now and I’m officially registered. Whew!
This morning, a walk around the neighborhood revealed a quaint Farmer’s Market. There wasn’t too much to buy since we’re in between growing seasons, but it was such a nice reminder that folks are trying to do something more than just live in houses; that neighborhoods and collectives still mean something. It went a far way to help me remember this is a community and not just a street. Small moments like these make me grateful for where I am in this path, and where I hope to be. 
Today marks the start of Wedding Season in my world. Later this afternoon, I’ll be heading to see KJ marry her love and then tomorrow, I’ll be helping shower Willis with all sorts of gifts and joy. Huzzah for connections, near and far, that help bring us closer together. Even better, tonight is Full Moon. I hope that the energy of this evening helps to grace and bless those in my life I hold dear.

I’ve fallen in love all over again with this Cincinnati autumn. This week has been a treat; cool, crisp mornings, and evenings that fade into just the perfect kind of light. Weather like this makes me want to bunker down in my lab and write-write. I’m a winter girl, through and through, it seems. Or maybe I’m just feeling the pull toward being cozy and having an excuse to be sleeping by seven in the evening!

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