
#boom, what

Tuesday’s Truth

Facebook has this fun function that allows one to look back on posts from years past. Usually, my posts or ‘memories’ have something to do with Chmok and some silliness. Today’s post though was a poignant and gentle reminder that all of this is a process and not just a destination.
Five years ago today I wrote, “It’s amazing how a change in one’s perspective changes one’s perspective.”
Dang, right? Even back then I was feeling all sorts of #wusah and Zen like.
The primary reason this post struck me as being so telling is because I just had a major shift in the ways in which I’m approaching … well, life. I get so hard on myself when I don’t hit my targets and goals in the time I set. For example, I didn’t hit the bench numbers I wanted for July, which makes me frustrated as all get out. But, I exceeded my deadlift goal and hit my high bar squat numbers. So there’s that.
And … that’s just fitness. In July, I managed to complete the revisions I wanted, I submitted weekly to journals and magazines, and I mapped out the next steps for my writerly goals.

If I only focus on the shit that I fail to do, then it’s easy to get bogged down. But, if I remember to occasionally change my perspective, to look at things in light instead of in darkness, then I realize even if my target isn’t being hit every single time, still I’m making progress.  

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