
Stories are like ...

Sunday's Snippet

... Stories are a lot like life. They take work - time, commitment and a keen eye on the end goal. It's tough to keep up a creative endeavor when there are a million other things going on in life.

Ry has been super busy with his duties helping the free world stay such. Our story of Kim et al is on a hiatus right now. I know, super sad. It's been a lot of fun to write it, and even more so to embark on this kind of creative process with someone! A first for me, to be sure.

I am going to return next week with a new short, something that will be engaging and dynamic, and will hopefully have some merit. It's no fun to make promises and not be able to keep up with them, but I think it's better to own that than to post up bullshit that has no real standing.

So with that, I will bid a temporary adieu to Kim and her cows. She'll be back, soon enough.

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