
Firm Grips and Early Wake Ups

Sunday’s Summary

I rose early this morning, as much because I feel like there are a million things to accomplish in this finite Sunday, but also because I discovered this weekend that I prefer to work while the world is at rest. Yesterday afternoon, I came into the lab to work on some edits. The neighbors next door were outside with their dog making all sorts of normal sounds. My upstairs neighbors were outside as well. The cackle of conversation was too much for me! I couldn’t concentrate, so I resorted to glutinously reading. It was a great way to spend my time, sure. But I could have really benefited from … well, working. Ha! Writers don’t work, I should know this by now. We wait until we have a deadline and then we get to work. So with everything else, I figured a way to improvise. I woke super early this morning and brewed a strong pot of coffee. And here I am, not even seven and I have already managed to do quite a bit!
The past seven days were interesting, to be sure. I saw a major shift in my mental state and I found peace in returning to quiet contemplation. I’ve reached out to volunteer organizations, and I’ve made serious progress with my fitness. Edits are moving along at a wonderful pace and I’ve even discovered that writing in public is not only a thing, but it’s possible. I think I’ve mentioned that every month, I write out my goals and tasks for what I want to accomplish. Yesterday, while I wasn’t writing, I took a look at the list. September isn’t quite half finished, and I’ve already managed to do more than half of the things on my list! Huzzah for progress.

Most importantly, the last seven days showed me that there is certainly something to be said for being tenacious without the need for maintaining a narrow world view. I am learning to keep a firm grip on the goals I’ve set for myself, all the while learning that clinging to my principles doesn’t make me weak. 

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