
Ruminate and Absorb

Thursday’s Thought

It’s easy to want to give up at times, to hit the snooze on the obligations and demands of the day-to-day and binge watch Netflix instead. Though it’s not a practice that I engage in frequently, sometimes I realize that I am in fact human and need a bit of a reset. That’s not to say my motivation or intent wane; rather, I realize that taking a decadent afternoon nap, or simply sitting and being still for a few moments will not only improve my overall outlook, but will help me pause and reflect.
Though my meditation practices have come into and out of my life with irregularity over the last year or so, I’ve made a decided effort to spend more time in reflection. Since the beginning of August, I’ve been trying to carve out a few moments each day where I can sit in silence and allow my mind to find that glorious middle ground, where personal goals and desires are displaced by altruistic intent. Not only does this allow me an often much needed reset, but it also calls to mind all of the beauty and grace that can be found in this world if one is willing to look. As I’ve returned to quiet thinking, I have been reminded that the most critical decisions in life are often made when one feels like giving up. It is in these moments that inner strength is truly discovered, that I can find my resolve nestled right next to my drive and my determination. 

I realize in these moments that it’s okay for me to live my life constantly hungry – to want to move ahead, go further, achieve, and conquer. I just need to go about it the right way. 

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