
Metaphysical Musing

Thursday’s Thought

Exploring life by way of paradox and analogy is one of the tenants of Daoist thinking. It calls to mind the teachings of most Eastern philosophy, in that exploration of self through exploration of universal patterns. It is in Eastern thought that I find much comfort, inasmuch because I appreciate the notion that free will is fantastic as because the concept of wrathful and vengeful deities seem so strange. Double U likes to joke and tell me I’m really Asian at heart – maybe I am, since it seems more and more I’m finding peace with adapting to and adopting Eastern modes of thinking and living. Attempting to explore and understand the cosmogony of the world helps me find peace, and helps me to understand my place in the world.

Lately, I’ve been giving considerable thought to the wonderful teachings of Lau Tzu. His most famous work, Tao Te Ching, offers so much fodder for introspection and pause. As I gear up for graduation in November, and continue to prep for my show at the end of next month, I find myself returning to his words. “Those who gain a victory over others are strong; but those who gain a victory over themselves are all powerful.” Super deep words right there, and so incredibly true. It seems most of my days are spent learning how to gain victories over myself. I push and I push hard, so that I learn my limits, I find my personal boundaries, but also so that I can find new ways to exceed and succeed. In doing this, I stay humble and I keep hustling hard.

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