
Deadlines and Decisions

Tuesday’s Truth

So I’m getting ready to submit my second to last assignment for graduate school. I’ll still have plenty to do once Residency arrives in November, but the major work – writing my critical thesis, creative thesis and my lecture – are all almost done. Holy shit, this scares me like no other! I’ve become so comfortable with the rhythm and routine of being a student, being in school, and knowing that come every six months, I’ll be returning to the lovely haven of writers. Descending to Louisville twice a year to see my friends and learn my craft has largely been the treat of these last two years, and without it, I’m not sure what to do.

The truth is, I love being a student as much as I love to learn. The process – writing out my planner, checking off assignments, knowing that I am beholden to someone for something else is how I excel, achieve, and shine. It’s what keeps me moving. That the Spalding community has fostered and developed such a brilliant and loving arena for writers is part of our program, and it’s one of the driving forces in my selection of it. What I didn’t expect was to develop amazing friendships with fantastic folks – I’m looking at you Premo and Lady A (not to mention all the other lovelies I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know – who have helped shape me as a human, a woman, and a writer.

Whatever the next step will be for me, I know I’m stronger and better for having gone through this program. 

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