
Chewed Well

Thursday's Thought

I did something today that I rarely do – I took a rest day from the gym. It’s been a month or so since I’ve been on seven days a week, with some two-a-days peppered in for good measure. My show is at the end of October, and while this one missed sweat is likely to put me back a little bit, I know two things. One, I am a tenacious sort of woman and I can (and will) make it up (tomorrow, haha) and two – if I keep pushing myself at this rate, I’m not going to be able to perform. In Dental World today, I was dragging ass. Poor sleep, the start of sty under my left eye and my stomach feeling like a volcano prepping to erupt all told me that if I pushed, which is generally my style, I’d regret it later on. A few times during my work day, I fought down nausea. So, after I left the office early, I called Coach to let him know I was pukey and not feeling well, I came home and immediately hit the sheets. I slept for about ninety minutes, which was lovely, needed, refreshing and all together decadent. There are far too few days when I simply do nothing except … be.

After I woke, I made some tea and just sat on the sofa. No tunes, no Spanish lesson playing, no anything. Just a girl and her thoughts. Looking around my space, I realized how much every single piece I have in here reminds me of someone, something, or some moment in time. it comforted me immensely to know that even when those I hold near and dear aren’t present in my day-to-day, there’s still with me when I’m in my space. Maybe my feelings of being worn down have been as much physical as mental. I realize even for all of my aspirations, I need to take time to chill out for even a few hours, to settle in to myself and realize it’s okay to not be going a million miles a minute. Finally breaking my fast for the day with some carrots, it occurred to me that life is very much like eating a carrot. If it’s not chewed properly, it can’t be digested. Talk about culinary inspiration!

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