

Saturday’s Song

As I mentioned yesterday, my phone has been on the wrong side of working this week, so I haven’t been able to jam out in Loretta to ANY tunes. I think I have a few cd’s somewhere, but finding them would involve thinking about when it was I last saw them, and then trying to dig them out of whatever memorabilia hovel they’ve been shoved in, and well … that’s a lot of work. Like Efed says, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

So instead, I’ve been listening to my local classical station, WGUC. When I tire of the introspection that classical music invariably provides me, I switch over to WAIF, another public radio station here in the Nati that plays an eclectic mix of just about everything. I never know if I’m going to get jazz, gospel, Mexican cantina, reggae … it’s a musical grab bag and it’s fantastic!

It’s so easy to get into these grooves with music, listening to the same styles over and over, every single day. It’s comfortable, right? I know the tunes, the artists, and the songs all evoke certain pulls on particular heart strings. Not having the fore-knowledge of knowing what’s going to be played next forces me to open up my ears (metaphorically, of course) and listen for whatever truth WAIF or WGUC might be trying to share. When one seeks to control every single particle in her life, it is easy for one to miss the signs and messages that often come unbidden from the Universe. 

Not having a working phone and access to my music has sucked this week, for sure. But it hasn’t been all that bad, since it’s put my mind into a new space, allowing me to explore and examine my world with new sounds in mind. 

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