
A Noun of Action

Saturday's Summary

This week I was reminded of Maya Angelou's famous words, "Expect nothing so you are never disappointed and sometimes, pleasantly surprised." Anya reminded me of this after I spent some time lamenting my woes. 
Expectations are a funny sort, aren't they? The word is a noun of action, which always reminds me that it is something to be done, not something to be accomplished. That said, it's so easy to look at life through the lens and approach of supposition, intending that one thing or another is set to occur. In reality, an expectation does nothing for the thinker except offer pause, a moment to consider that an eventual might or might not occur. It does not decide an action, offer a solution, or even give a reason for something. It simply is conjecture, supposition and assumption all rolled into one.
In light of Anya's words of wisdom, this week has been something of an interesting sort. I've taken a step back from expecting that things will or won't happen and I've turned instead to looking for ways to serve my community, my world, my peers, and myself. The changes have been dramatic, though they are still new. 
Already, I'm seeing these days for what they are and not for what they might be. This is a huge change for the woman who always wants to see more, do more, be more. Understanding that every day isn't always about living for tomorrow, and instead appreciating the moment is a novel and unique perspective for me to take. I'm finding that I rather like it, even if it is still so foreign to me. I doubt I'll ever step off from the edge and stop wanting, but at least I'm learning to want in a different sort of way. 
"There are two ways to be happy. Improve your reality or lower your expectations." J. Picoult 

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