
Counting Down

Wednesday's Word


There are 365 days in a year. Well, this year anyway. With this post, I've written 359 entries in my blog. Tomorrow will be my final, meaning I've only missed FIVE DAYS! Five whole days for an entire year is not only fantastic and pretty boss, but it's also a testament to commitment.

Good old Merriam-Webster defines accomplishment as, "something that has been achieved successfully, or an activity that a person can do well, typically as a result of study or practice." I'd say that both apply to this blog and the challenge for a year.

Yes, it's true. I didn't make a post-a-day. But when I landed on this idea last winter, I knew that there would be days when I couldn't write for whatever reason. I largely tried to plan for those days and make sure that I had something waiting to post, but there were a few days where I just didn't feel like it. I don't know if that's a measure of success or not. It is contrary to the challenge, sure. But it's also a nod to the hyper-awareness that blogging for a year has created with my writing.

When I began my Master's program, writing was something I used as an outlet. I knew I had a voice somewhere inside, and I knew that I could arrange words in a pretty and pleasing way. Much the same, when I seriously started lifting, I knew I had a strength inside of me that could be brought to the surface with the right tenacity, approach and practice. I realize now that this blog has been as much an exercise in committing and seeing a goal to the end as it has been in learning to engage my creative voice with an ability to articulate and express ideas.

I think it only apt to end Wednesday's Word with "accomplishment." This is a challenge that has proven difficult, wonderful and engaging all year long. I'm pleased with my work, and I hope that it's offered my readers some sort of pause, a moment of introspection, mind-food for thought.

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