
Almost New!

they ask me what I do and who I do it for ...

Ok, so 2Chains might not be the greatest example of a way in which a human can expand her boundaries ... but the truth behind his lyric remains the same.  Ask me what I do and who I do it for and it's always the same answer.  I write and I do this for me, for you, my reader, my audience, but also my self ...
This is my intention board for 2015.  The backdrop is a map of Cincinnati, mainly because I love maps and I know that this upcoming year will result in a map move.  In the far right corner is a drawing of Quan Yin, my personal goddess, drawn out by my most amazing tattooist, Dryer.  If any of y'all are ever in the Nati and in need of good ink, let me know.  His touch is amazing, and he has effectively covered my body in the truths I haven't had courage to speak. 
Quan is one to suggest compassion when one wants to revert to anger.  Her mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum is inked on my back in Russian because I believe so fully in her words. It is commonly carved onto rocks or written on paper which is inserted into prayer wheels. When an individual spins the wheel, it is said that the effect is the same as reciting the mantra as many times as it is duplicated within the wheel.  Spin the wheel, recite the mantra; it ends up being the same thing, an effort into learning the way to being compassionate.
So in addition to image of Quan, this board has images of the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize Award, cover images of The Kenyon Review and Poetry Magazine as well as affirmations for running full marathons.  These are all things I want to accomplish in 2015, all target goals that I think are entirely possible, and that will happen in (some way) this year.
So.  Here you go, dear reader.  My life for '15 in an image.  

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