

Girls Dinner was a roaring success!
The evening reminded me of every reason why I pined so much for home - having my soul sisters in my space, entertaining, playing games, laughing - it was everything I missed for so long while I was away.  Thankful and grateful to be back.
This year was a small group, but it was perfect.  Edub was glowing, she's so happy with her man.  Willis is on track to close on her house, and is on top of her research.  Sunny has embraced the role of exec of a multi-million dollar company like I always knew she would.
At one point, I looked around at these women who are such gifts to me and felt my eyes welling.  It's a rare thing to be able to say I've known these girls for damn near twenty years and we're still going strong.  I feel blessed.
There was a point in the evening that we were all laughing so hard, so loudly, so intently that I felt like we were back when back was now and now was just some future moment.  Does that make sense?  What I mean is, I felt at home, for the first time in a while.  Epic, this dinner.
So, on to the next one.   I don't know who will be hosting, but I'll come back for it.  Next year will mark six years strong of a tradition borne when Willis lived in Oakley and I just wanted a reason to carve out an evening with my girls.  Even though priorities change, life commitments come to the surface, it's a welcomed feeling to know that my girls are always there.

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