
вызов - challenge

A challenge ... as in a query into the truth of something, with an implicit demand for proof.

Querying my own truth, with a demand for proof, the commitment I have to writing, to keeping up with these words, to progressing as a writer in 2015.

... so, since I don't have enough going on in my world right now, I thought I'd task myself with a fun challenge.  (Anya, I'm borrowing this from you!)

For 2015, I am going to commit to writing one blog a day.
About what?
Who the hell knows.
Whatever strikes my fancy, whatever I'm chewing on for the day, issues, thoughts, rambles ... likely it will be a lot of rambles, but I'm going to try to keep it focused thematically - change, renewal, growth, all these fun things I love to see in life and seek to offer to others.

If y'all have topics you'd like to read about, please feel free to ask in the comments.  (And, that'd be great to know someone is actually reading this!)

Talk soon.

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