
Mourning, Morning

Mourning, Morning

            The sound rouses her.
            Disoriented, she throws her arm to the lift, searching for Julie.
            The space unoccupied, it takes a moment to remember.
That fight.
Julie’s eye blossoming black.
Renee’s hand stinging.
Those Samsonite suitcases they’d registered for.
The front door slamming.
            Now, a text from Vincent.
            Are you feeling alright?  Never in bed this late
The grandson of her strange neighbor next door was sweet and obviously interested. 
The message was from seven. It was going on eight.
            I just woke up. 
            Renee doesn’t know what else to reply. 
Mario’s thoughtfulness leaves her feeling sticky. 
The phone screen glows bright, though the darkest part of mourning has long passed. 

Her therapist told her these kinds of days would happen. 

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