
Wednesday's Wisdom

It's amazing, isn't it, the way Spirit gifts one the exact truth that one needs to see?

Last night, I went for a run after work and came home to a rabbit standing peacefully in my yard.  She didn't hop off at the sound of my car, or my clomping through frosted grass, but stood there, watching.  (Or, at least I imagine that's what she did, since I couldn't exactly see her, but you get the idea.)  The rabbit has long been my spirit animal, the one in the pantheon of guides with whom I resonate the most.  There's a Russian proverb that says, "If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one."  True story, but hard to apply some times.  The point of this is that as a writer (and a human, really) I find myself consistently being pulled in multiple directions, all the while trying to maintain my path.  Last night's Spirit gift was a wonderful reminder and a gentle nudge to stay the course, keep my path, honor the process.  (Side note, if you follow my instagram at jess_write you'll see that most of my posts surround these themes.)

Even more wonderful is that yesterday, I sent a long rambling email to my Spirit Mother, Anya, lamenting the confusion of this life, and not only did she take the time to write back promptly, but she offered suggestions and a plan on how to make life happen.  Blessed, I am.  Thank you, Anya!  The direction she sees when I can't find a light is marvelous.  She is a marvel.

To that, I should note that I was able to reconnect with a long-lost friend yesterday who I haven't seen in FIFTEEN years.  What the hell, man, when did I get so old that fifteen years could even pass?  The evening was a wonderful reminder of every reason why.   We talked about old times, the Price Hill days, the old crew.  Funny thing though, our conversation didn't just revolve in cloudy reminiscing.  We spoke of dreams and aspirations, truth found in circumstances.  Yes, Yes, Yes.  Thanks again, Universe!

So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and while it's a day where everyone suddenly decides to be thankful for x, y, and z, I'm going to branch out here and say that every day, I find something for which I can give thanks.  Yesterday, that email and my rabbit.  Today, the opportunity to be sitting in my lab, writing, crafting and dreaming.

Kind of comical though that the day where this country comes together to 'be thankful' is rife with over-indulgences and gluttony.  Two rabbits, eh?

Happy Day, y'all.

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