
Res is Over

Back to the lab after ten days of awesomeness ... what a whirlwind of amazing experiences.  This was my third residency with Spalding, and it seems like every time gets better, every time I leave with a greater truth, a stronger sense of who I am - not just as writer, but as woman, an individual, and a human.

My brother asked his girl to marry him yesterday!  I am so ecstatic for the happy couple, and realize that my travel plans are going to be orchestrated around their wedding.  Ghost, my brother, is my bestie (along with Efed, my sister) so I really want to be a part of their planning, the revelry of their union.  He proposed under water during a scuba lesson.  How cute, right?  Good stock, that kid.

I unpacked this afternoon, literally and figuratively.  The beauty of a low residency program is that it offers a nice haven of writerly suggestion with the caveat that the other world looms somewhere in the distance.  My flat welcomed me, of course.  Plants and faeries were well cared for by my good friend, Rubin.

So it's the week of Thanksgiving.  For lots of people that means obligations and nonsense and whatever other bullshit comes from American family conglomerates.  For the Evans clan, it means extending invitations to folks ... folks who know that family goes far beyond blood lines, that family is not just the standard "We grew up together, so we have to share a table" but is "We are kindred, so let's break bread"  ... our table is always open to good people.
Tonight, with trepidation, I extended an invitation to Rubin, a dear friend who was going to be alone on the one holiday that celebrates gratitude.  Of course, I talked about it with Ghost and Efed first, and both vehemently said YES, invite our friend!  It makes my heart happy to know that the invitation was well received and happily accepted.  Now I'm doubly looking forward to my favorite holiday - as much to share it with Ghost, his new to be bride, Efed, and the nephews, but also Rubin.

Wild and intense, the last ten days have birthed fourteen pages of poetry (what?!) a new short story and an idea for a novel.  Residency has ended, time to write my thesis, and pour into my work.  But first - first, I'll break bread with my family.

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